


All SPFC faculty members engage in research, present scholarly papers at national and international conferences, and author scientific publications (articles, 章, 或书). Manuscripts often include undergraduate and graduate students as co-authors.

教师的研究兴趣各不相同,包括慢性疾病的心理社会适应等主题, psychology of volunteerism and service-learning, 妇女的健康, 压力, 和正念, parenting effects on children’s 情感 control, 神学, 耻辱, 心理健康, 家庭咨询中的戏剧疗法, 族群认同与族群冲突, 青春期女孩的抑郁症, development of children on the autism spectrum, spirituality in collaborative health care, substance abuse in high-risk adolescents, 创伤心理学, 组织中的有效指导, 领导力发展, 和更多的. 赌博十大靠谱软件邀请您来探索赌博十大靠谱软件SPFC教师简介页面 to learn more about their research interests and achievements.

Behavioral and clinical laboratory programs 


Dr. 菲利普·米. 贝克领导着这个合作和积极的研究小组,他们对理解大脑如何将复杂信息转化为行为选择感兴趣. 要做到这一点, 赌博十大靠谱软件在动物模型中操纵大脑回路,以了解大脑区域在将外部刺激转化为最终指导决策的选择的内部表征方面的贡献. 除了湿实验室工作外,赌博十大靠谱软件的大部分工作都是与赌博十大靠谱软件的动物模型打交道,这需要至少两个季度的实验室工作. 


指导:博士. 珍妮Vaydich, the 儿童及青少年实验室 within the 心理学院,家庭, 好的赌博软件推荐和社区研究了亲子关系和互动对儿童和青少年情绪调节发展的影响. 赌博十大靠谱软件对儿童和青少年时期的亲子关系和父母情感社会化特别感兴趣. Previous projects have focused on aggression; however, 最近的一些项目研究了亲子关系对抑郁和焦虑症状的影响. In particular, current projects explore:




• The impact of early parenting experiences on adolescent 情感 functioning


社会发展是指儿童和青年成为家庭成年成员的方式, 社区, 和文化. 在文化中 & 社会发展实验室博士. Oscar Baldelomar带领一个研究小组研究社会发展的各个方面(身份), 文化适应, 社会认知和群体间关系发生在不同的人群和不同的文化背景中. To understand the role of culture in social development, research assistants participate in the design, execution and communication of various research projects conducted in the U.S. 和哥斯达黎加. The following are our current projects:

  • SPU体验项目: 纵向考察SPU学生认知发展与精神形成的交集, with special attention to minorities.
  • A Cultural Model of COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors in an international sample of emerging adults. 
  • 社会变革对哥斯达黎加土著Bribri和Cabecar青年社会发展的影响: This is a summer project that studies how family relationships, 身份的形成, 和心理健康受到哥斯达黎加加勒比地区Bribri和Cabecar社区土著青年所经历的技术变革的影响(需要拉丁裔和双语研究助理).

Clinical 研究 in Self Injury and Suicide (CRISIS) Lab

Dr. Keyne Law is an assistant professor of psychology. 作为SPU自我伤害和自杀临床研究(CRISIS)实验室的首席研究员, 她对了解生态环境之间的动态变化和相互作用感兴趣, 情感, 行为, 以及导致自杀念头发展并发展成致命自杀行为的生物系统. Dr. 劳现有的研究机构整合了各种各样的测量方法,比如自我报告问卷, 半结构化访谈, 疼痛耐受性任务, 行为的任务, 和心理生理学.

研究助理将能够通过实验室程序获得运行研究参与者的经验, 使用心理生理学数据, and participating in the preparation and presentation of suicide research. 研究助理应承诺8小时的实验室工作,包括参加每周的实验室会议. 考虑到充分参与博士正在进行的研究所需的培训数量. Law’s lab, a commitment of 3 quarters is required.


Dr. Paul Youngbin Kim对影响亚裔和亚裔美国人社区的心理过程很感兴趣. 具体来说,博士. 金审视了文化, 心理, 以及对亚洲人和亚裔美国人寻求帮助态度的结构性影响, 目的是让这些社区更容易获得心理健康服务. Dr. Kim has written about contemporary forms of racism (e.g., racial microaggressions) and their link to well-being. 他还致力于强调旅居者的心理体验, such as international students or third culture kids (TCKs).


Dr. Baine Craft is an Experimental Psychologist with expertise in Animal Behavior, 学习, 和认知. In the 学习 和认知 Lab, students work with Dr. Craft to study questions related to choice and decision making. 例如, the lab has recently studied how changes in reward quality (sweet, calorically dense foods) impact risky behavior. 作为实验室的研究助理, students will 进行文献综述, discuss models of choice and decision making, 收集数据, 分析数据, and may have the opportunity present data at regional and national conference. 本科生研究助理必须在2361或4970的每季度至少修3个学分, 参加每周的实验室会议, and to commit to a minimum of 2 quarters participation on the research team. 


The 道德情绪与内隐偏见实验室, led by Dr. 汤姆的木匠, examines the psychology of moral emotions (内疚, 羞愧, self-forgiveness) and implicit bias (e.g.种族偏见). Dr. Carpenter’s lab operates from the perspective that all people mess up, occasionally hurt others or act immorally, and harbor inner biases that we have learned from society. We are currently focusing on related questions, such as:

• How do people feel about their wrongs? Specifically, how do 内疚 and 羞愧 feelings

work, how are they different, and how do they vary across cultures?

• Why do people sometimes follow their beliefs and values and sometimes not? 这是如何受情绪影响的呢?

• What biases do people internalize from society (e.g., around social categories such as race)? 赌博十大靠谱软件如何才能最好地研究这些偏见?

研究助理需每季度注册3学分2361或4970, 参加每周的实验室会议, and commit to at least 3 quarters on the research team, although some accommodations may be made.


指导:博士. 布列塔尼Tausen, 社会认知实验室致力于调查人们如何看待自己和他人,以及这些心理过程的下游后果. 目前,博士. 陶森和她的学生们正在调查非人性化的原因和后果——拒绝他人复杂情感和心理过程的倾向. 实验室正在进行的项目涵盖以下主题:1)哪些消极行为与认为他人不如自己有人情感有关? 2)如何利用群体间接触来减少边缘化群体成员的非人化.g.(无家可归的人)?

研究 assistants in the 社会认知实验室 will collect and 分析数据, 进行文献综述, and participate in the preparation and presentation of research. 希望参加社会认知实验室的学生需要每季度注册3学分2361或4970, 参加每周的实验室会议, and to commit to at least 3 quarters of participation on the research team.


Dr. 多年来,Marcia Webb的研究兴趣一直集中在基督教虔诚和精神病理学之间的潜在相互作用上. She has examined associations between trauma and religiosity, as well as the variables of 心理 maltreatment, 内疚, and 羞愧 in relation both to religiosity and to forgiveness. 最近,她进行了一项实证研究,主要关注教会对精神疾病的污名化.

Dr. 韦伯是这本书的作者, Toward a Theology of Psychological Disorder. 在这篇文章中, she describes research focused on current church attitudes toward mental illness, and biblical approaches that might serve to correct religious 耻辱. 她目前的学术研究致力于心理学和基督教信仰的理论整合, particularly with regard to mental disorder. 与博士一起工作的学生. 韦伯将被期望有兴趣和天赋的研究集中在这一整合.